I am seeing more "clones" between gyaru models, I thought it was only among the younger models copying the style of the great icons of world gyaru, but gradually I have come to realize that it is not. Perhaps
magazines strategy to meet the gap left by the most prestigious model up, but the kidnappings are more evident every day.
who has surprised me most was to Romihi, is one of the stars of the EGG at the moment, but their latest styles could not help but recall those of Kaoru Watanabe :
few months ago had pink hair Romihi
And who could forget the look on Kaoru change that much attention:
The last
BEAUTY Romihi EGG appears with this look, pink and brown
already carried
Kaoru years ago
addition Romihi is constantly changing her hair blonde, brown, red, hair two colors, the only model that surprised every month with a new look used to be Kaoru. Most likely this is idea of \u200b\u200bthe EGG, as after the departure of Kaoru, now need another original model and extravagant outfits and have decided that it Romihi.
One of the new girls on the EGG Miho has a style that reminds me that of Maichi, JELLY model
Nori & Tae The twin daughters have long since stopped pose for the EGG, now do odd jobs in some other magazines but are no longer major models of any magazine.
Instead, the EGG has two other girls, with face of "squirrel." Because not long ago have begun to model the EGG does not know his name, that of left my little hiragana says his name is Nemoyayo, but not read kanji and not as it is called the right one, forgive me T_T. If anyone knows to read and helps me be grateful.
Yunkoro, one of the new faces of the EGG reminds me a lot of Ayumi Hamasaki, in many pictures wearing a similar style to the singer, as well as posing in the pictures, mouth half open, showing his teeth, is the typical pose
The girl also have copies of Nicorun every day is more like Suzu, one of the oldest models after Mipo progress and Maipuu.
Popteen In the perfect replacement for Tsubasa is undoubtedly Kumickey.
What models are fashion statements?
The original is certainly more Nonoko, gothic-lolita style-gyaru-rocker does not leave anyone indifferent
Kanako also seems to me very original, I have not seen models that mimic the look, but maybe if someday EGG goes start to see models with short hair and colorful strands
And the older models, Tsubasa, his style has been and will be copied by models of all the magazines. Himekaji image (or casual hime) and now the
And where has not wanted to miss my Kaoru, who else she looks impossible to look no one else has looked, the image of JSG and haaady and Galaxxxy and raver in its last stage as a model
What do you think of these copies of styles? Do you know any more? What are the original models for you?
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