I think I've figured out how to realize that we forgotten how important that person was in the past and We did so much damage.
There is always a day that reveals "the big announcement." That day, for me, was the 7th of September. I was at the concert The Fray enjoying every issue, when Isaac began playing the first notes of the song. Years ago that it made me mourn thinking about that person, thinking of you. That until the day of the concert I had brought melancholy every time I listened. What was happening? Why was not business as usual? Then I understood. I turned around and the crowd saw his face. The person that makes me happy. And I realized that the songs bring sadness and do not make sense to me. For the first time in years I can say that you no longer hurt me. For the first time in a long time I can again enjoy that song, because I do not mean nothing to me.
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