Thursday, August 27, 2009
Best Looking Saddlebags For Harley Sportster
got up every morning as the sun paints the clouds without sufficient clarity. Left on the table the four seasons, handkerchiefs, books. Wanted a day without too many shades or omens, but with the dye just to write some verses to make habitable the winter and morning. He wished not to repeat the error of coffee and toast, half backward, cold water. Transcribed some single words, be prepared to feel volatile and ephemeral sense of matching words, to make them birth, to make them die. He returned to want to avoid repeating mistakes, as it fell on them, again and again, almost parallel to the coffee and toast, moving averages, watching the window, drawing between the lines, almost invisibly, the curves of the stems and leaves, repeating unbearable melody, accommodating some new sad day between ephemeris and radio news. Slide
Monday, August 24, 2009
Go Karts Baja Blaster

In return, I hope to fulfill my promises and update more often. Football, tennis, F1, cinema, music, tv, entertainment ... will be among the protagonists in this blog, where no shortage of small stories.
See you in a couple of days.
I leave you with a song. Augustana " More Than A Love Song "
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wood Panel In Front Of Tub

For the umpteenth time in recent weeks, today I returned to zap at different times for fun with the boob tube. My result has been the same every day: I turned off the TV. How can you not give anything interesting?
Sometimes I decide to stay hooked to Roulette luck, but not every day you can stand, as some contestants are very slow mentally. We, thanks to their low skill, everyone knows because they have a panel where the letters indicate they have said. Can they make it easier? Yes, there are days when the other contestants do not add or two neurons.
And at night, more of the same. Good series have gone on holiday with new chapters. Good movies are locked away in the drawer of oblivion and the programs that I have decided to go for a walk.
luck I have to Fox, who has decided to Bones all the time and although the chapters have already seen, still amusing after midnight due to wonderful tandem series (Bones and Booth) and the great side that fill the plot of a rich and elaborate argument. First of all, I would emphasize the role of "recently" appeared Dr. Sweets (the psychologist) and the last two chapters of the last broadcast season (fourth) we are left with honey on the lips and counting the days until on 17 September.
However, neither the Bones overdose can satisfy my monkey. What monkey? The continue with my normal life, with the routine. What routine? Running since leaving the Messenger to 00h to settle down on the couch and TV set Intereconomía . And what I see on TV Intereconomía? For which I believe is one of the best programs in the current grid: Ball Point, directed and presented by one of the examples that I have to follow when developing my career audiovisual Pedrerol Josep.
In one of the next posts will talk about this great program that deserves at least a dedicated post.
And so far, I can only wait for the September 1, when returning it, Irene Junquera and the best collaborators. From that day, television will start to receive another season his best series and therefore will be always.
PS: Today I leave a song that some days I do not post;) " Wishlist "Pearl Jam
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Forgot To File Weekly Certification Unemployment

For days
said so yes, I'm jinxed lately, that's no joke and people determined to take the opposite are hobbies, told me. That and, if so, the thing would not be worse. The lighted sure told me never heard of such a Murphy . I explain how I confirmed my bad luck.
For months I had a contest one night in the newly opened hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower for two people. My boyfriend and I are dying to go, to show off more than anything. However, we decided to wait patiently and calmly pick a date so that it can take full advantage. He is Barça. I merengue and as such, in my mind was always the idea of \u200b\u200bpicking a date to coincide with a Real Madrid game . We believe in going for the "release" of Pellegrini in the Peace Cup not be too hasty, think, If we wait another month, we see the Milan , yes it will be a great match. And was. After an exhaustive study of the different rates AVE (the crisis is the crisis and has to watch every penny) and the availability of hotels at which we (the gift and another), we bought tickets for the day of the game: 25 July.
I will be jinxed, but the illusion of seeing my team no one takes it from me. This is the beginning of a good time , I thought. Although go to the enemy's camp will be a good match , he thought. Day after day, my expectations rose. Constantly entering the website of Madrid to see when entries out and what we would choose (prices, has said, are very rational and I feel great, that's what the preseason is).
Surprise mine when I entered a few days ago and I found a notice announcing a change of date and / or orders rival Platini and UEFA . All morning on edge, waiting for news. I went a dozen times in the web of my team in Milan and updated as many AS news of the hope that it announced just a schedule change and I read between the lines that my jinx was just a hallucination. After hours and hours (maybe they were only 3, but to me it made me eternal), was officially announced that the Rosenborg was the new rival and the game would be a day before my arrival. Goodbye to any hope of seeing this great team in my stadium, surrounded by my color and feeling once again, as is the right of any football fan.
gave Real Madrid? The date of the Bernabeu Trophy was chosen long ago and just decided by UEFA. There must be many things that would be a waste of time to list them. What is clear is that it is better to have happy the organizer and then what happens happens.
And why UEFA chose the 25th of August? Is it to steal all the illusion that we were going to move to the capital? Is it because they know that rule, and wanted that day and point? Nor do I know the reasons, so yes I have more and more clear is that Michel Platini hates us more and more.